Rewards Letter September 2023

Rewards at Stone Soup Academy 

Dear Parent/Carer 

I am really excited about the range of rewards and trips that we have in place for this year that your child can gain access to. Within these rewards we have trips to reward attendance, punctuality and behaviour, team building, individual and group awards. 

If you would like your child to have access to these rewards then please make sure that you have completed an offsite permission form and also any permission slips specific to the event itself that will be given out before the event. If we do not have these forms, sadly your child cannot join us due to health and safety regulations. If you do not have the offsite permission paperwork please contact your child’s coach. 


The aim of rewards at Stone Soup Academy is to motivate all our young people to make progress in both their academic and personal development supporting the vision of the academy. 

We will achieve this by focusing our rewards on five distinct areas:- 

  • Attendance 
  • Punctuality 
  • Behaviour 
  • Progress 
  • Stone Soup Vision & Values

How this be achieved 

6 times a year a formula will be used to combine scores for attendance, punctuality behaviour and progress. From this data. We will determine the number of students who meet the criteria and therefore will be able to access the reward. As the score will be a combination of all four data sets, it means that if a child is low on one, they need to ensure that they are higher on another to make up the difference to enable them to gain the reward. 

From the data that we collect, we will select the top 20 students and it will be the ‘Stone Soup 20 winners’ 

The focus remains:- 

90% Attendance 

90% Punctuality 

95% Dojo 

Progress: Top students in rank order 

Within every end of term reward, there will also be a number of places allocated for those students across all years who absolutely demonstrate the Stone Soup vision and values and so are given a wildcard to access the reward. 

When will the rewards happen? 

As we continue our obsession with ensuring that our young people attend school and are on time, we need to at all times, maintain the focus on these areas. That means that all staff should be maintaining the focus on these areas. Attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress are the responsibility for all staff across the academy. As such all staff should be recognising and rewarding progress in these areas. At the academy we have mechanisms in place to do this, and we have to ensure that we are using them. These include:- 

  • Postcards home 
  • Phone calls home 
  • Certificates 
  • Positive letters 
  • Calls to referrers 

The ‘Big’ rewards will be on the following dates for 2023-2024

Date  Reward 

Number of Students

Subject to change 

Thursday 19th October  Spring Lakes 20


Friday 15th December  Christmas Meal & Raffle Prizes 20
Friday 9th February  Cinema/laser quest etc 20
Thursday 28th March  Meal 20
Friday 24th May (Subject to change regarding exams) West Midlands Safari Park 20
Wednesday 24th July  Seaside or Lockwell (TBC) 20


Weekly Prizes 

These prizes will focus upon punctuality & attendance. I stand on the front door every day with other members of my senior leadership team and we award raffle tickets for students who arrive before 9.15. A.M. They deposit these raffle tickets with Rachel at High Pavement or Alesha at key stage three and at the end of the week there will be a draw for punctuality. The student will find out if they’ve won through watching staff focus and they will then need to claim the prize. 

Prizes will be a McDonald’s/SubWay/Gift Box personalised to the child £10 per prize, 2 per week Attendance Prize 

Attendance Prize will be awarded weekly, there will be 2 prizes per week for KS3 and KS4 recognising best attendance for the week and most improved attendance from the previous week and again highlighted in staff focus which all students watch in tutor time. 

Prizes will be a McDonald’s/SubWay personalised to the child 

Form Prizes for attendance 

These will be awarded to forms with their two form Tutors

Term  How do they win Date
Term 1  Top form attendance in KS4 

Wednesday 18th October at 1 

and KS3 


Term 2  Top form in terms of 

Wednesday 13th December

improvement of attendance in 

the previous term. 

Most improved Form 

Term 3  Top form attendance in KS4 

Thursday 8th February

and KS3 


Term 4  Top form in terms of 

Wednesday 27th March

improvement of attendance in 

the previous term. 

Most improved Form 

Term 5  Top form attendance in KS4 

Thursday 23rd May

and KS3 

Term 6  Top form in terms of 

Tuesday 23rd July

improvement of attendance in 

the previous term. 

Most improved Form 


Personalised Prizes for School Refusers KS3 & 4 

In developing a whole school initiative for improving attendance. We understand the challenges that some of our young people have with their own mental health and we try to support them by providing personalised targets and rewards for meeting these targets. This will be a termly prize for young people meeting specific targets given to them by the Attendance Champion, Younes Henini and his attendance team. 

There will be one prize awarded per term 

Behaviour Prize 

Student of the day continues for the students with the highest dojo score as normal with sweets awarded at the end of the day 

Team Building Opportunities 

All students involved 

Term 1 Week 5: Thursday 5th October KS4 trip to Alton Towers 

Pick-up: 9:00am 

Return time: 15:30pm 

Term 1 Week 5: Wednesday 4th October KS3 trip to Walesby Forest 

Pick-up: 9:30am 

Return time: 15:30pm 

Term 2 Week 7: Thursday 14th December (Meal) 

Term 6: Week 4: Friday 5th July (Trip) Drayton Manor TBC

As you can see we are working hard to reward our young people where we can and I would ask that you continue to support our efforts in school to get your young people into school so that they can take advantage of all these opportunities which are completely free to you as parents. 

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Kind regards 

Kerrie Henton 


Stone Soup Academy

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