The Academy is on half-term break from Friday, 14th February at 12:45 PM
and students will return on Monday, 24th February at 9 AM.
In your journey to adulthood, you may be faced with certain challenges that are scary or unfamiliar. Stone Soup Academy has worked hard to equip you with the tools, knowledge and strength to handle whatever challenges life throws at you, however, you may need some advice along the way. Below you will find an assortment of resources to guide you through life. We are only at the end of a phone if you need any help or advice, we remain your Stone Soup Family.
Do you know the Tram or Bus Routes to get to College?
Your phone has multiple apps as well as the calendar which will alert you to events coming up. Start this as soon as possible as it’s good practice for the future.
You will have no uniform but must remember to wear your ID badge every day.
There will be nobody telling you what to do throughout the day, so it’s very easy to not get any work done. Organisation will be vital during these free times as teachers put far less emphasis on doing homework, so it will be your responsibility to remember to get it done.
Unlike schools, colleges have no tolerance for misbehaviour, nor will they tolerate poor attendance.
Remember about Enrolling and not just turning up in September. Enrollment is when college accepts you onto a course. If you are not aware of the enrollment process, contact your college ASAP. Enrollment day should be the same day as results day.
A CV, or Curriculum Vitae (Latin: Course of Life), is a short, written summary of your skills, achievements and experiences. You use it in the first stage of applying for jobs. Employers often ask for a CV instead of an application form. You can do it on paper or online.
A few common websites are as follows, you can attach and upload your CV so businesses may contact you.
An interview can be a daunting thing, it can fill you with nervousness and anxiety. This is normal! The most important thing is to get a good night’s sleep and have a plan for the day. Here’s a list of things to plan for:
What you wore to the job interview may not be what you will wear on the job. If you haven’t been given a dress code, ask what the appropriate attire is for your workplace. Have a few work outfits ready so you don’t have to scramble finding clothes to wear.
One easy way to help minimize the stress of starting a new position is to do a trial run before you start the job. Figure out your transportation and where you’re going. Make the trip a few days ahead of time to see how long it takes, giving yourself a cushion for traffic or other delays. Then give yourself a little extra time so you can arrive at work a few minutes early on your first day.
There is no such thing as a stupid question when you’re starting a job. Your employer would prefer that you ask. That’s easier than having to fix a mistake. You won’t be expected to know everything, and it’s better to ask for help than to guess.
The best thing to do is structure and plan your time, start applying before you leave school to give yourself the best chance of getting a place or a job, Keep active and stay alert when it comes to jobs, Maybe apply for job roles you didn’t think about before, Interview experience is also good to have and helps grow your confidence for the future.
Remember we have all gone to interviews and not got the job, It is all good experience and you will get better the more you do. Remember if youre not successful ask for feedback.
Sometimes boredom can set in and you find yourself in the same routine. Mixing up your week with hobbies and extra activities can keep your mental wellbeing in a good shape of mind. Eg. Voluntary work, Hobbies, Gym
Universal Credit is a government’s welfare reform policy. Though there are some push backs when it comes to the use of Universal Credit, there is a high probability that in a few years, people will no longer be using Jobseeker’s Allowance {JSA}.
Universal Credit is expected to replace the following’ legacy benefits:
Your local job centre can administer claims Jobseeker’s Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance and Income Support.
Nottingham (Station St) Jobcentre Plus
25 Station Street – Nottingham United Kingdom NG2 3BZ
Telephone: 0845 604 3719 – Textphone: 0115 979 3605
Housing: How do I find a room or rent a place?
Provide services in four main areas:
Demand for housing in Nottingham is very high. If you’re in a housing need, we want to help you find a home that’s most suitable for you. Depending on your circumstances, some housing options will be more suitable to you than others. For example, we currently have 9,000 people on the Housing Register waiting for a social home. This means that, depending on your circumstances, you could be waiting a long time before you can get a home and there may be other housing options that would be more suitable.
Housing Aid delivers the statutory homeless function within the Nottingham City area. If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness we can provide advice, assistance and support in:
Within many aspects of life such as your job and accommodation a notice period is something you can give to landlords or managers which tells them you’re leaving, Normally a direct debit would be set up or you will have given a deposit at the start of your tenancy.
Stone Soup gives me the chance every day to help young people understand their worth to society, the same young people that were told they could not achieve much in their mainstream schools. For me it felt natural progressing into a role as a Learning Mentor helping young people like how my mentor helped me,I first went within a Nottingham based alternative provision before starting with the engagement team at Stone Soup Academy and I have taken the opportunities and challenges presented to me along the way. If previous students ever needed any help then I am sure we could find a way to help them whether that would be help with employment or finances.
Stone Soup Academy 14 High Pavement, Nottingham, NG1 1HN (KS4)
Mobile: 07970 848665 Email: Jsenior@stonesoupacademy.org.uk