24th May 2021

Parent Letter For Year 9 & 10


Dear Parent/Carer


I hope that this letter finds you well. We are again at the end of another term and it is remarkable to think that we are almost at the end of another academic year and what a strange year it has been!


As always we have powered through all the strange times and hopefully we are now starting to see the light at the end of what at times has seemed a very long tunnel. However, throughout all of this our students have made us so proud with the way in which they have adapted and still excelled. Our recent mock exams that were held across all year groups showed how great our students could be and the potential that they have to achieve their potential. 


I also wanted to share with you that again we are up for an award in the TES Education Awards. These are national awards and last year we won the Alternative Provision of the year award 2020. This year we have been shortlisted for the ‘Best Use of Technology Award’ and the ‘Headteacher Award’. We are so proud and we will have our fingers crossed on the 25th June when the winners will be announced.


The last day of this term for year 9 and 10 will be Friday 28th of May at 12.30, at which time they will be released for the half term break.


Students will return for the start of the summer term on Monday 7th of June. On this day all year 9 will transition up to High Pavement and this will be the start of their Key Stage 4 journey. To help Year 9 transition, their key stage 3 teams will stay with them until the 25th of June to help them settle in at High Pavement. Remember, Year 9 and 10 students will need to arrive at High Pavement at 9 a.m every day. 


We have lots planned for next term, which all being well will be able to go ahead. These include:-


Friday 11th June Academy will close at 12 noon

Thursday 24th June Media and Music Day including a DJ academy

Friday 25th June Academy will close at 12 noon 

Thursday 1st July Art & Photography Day

Thursday 8th July Celebration Evening for years 9 and 10, 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Wednesday 14th July Parent/Carer Wellbeing Day: The Academy will be closed to students

Thursday 15th July Reward Trip to Holme Pierrepont

Friday 23rd July Reward Trip to Drayton Manor Theme Park.


As we head into the final half term of the year I wanted to take this opportunity to remind all of our students that to be awarded with their ‘DOJO Money’ at the end of year 11, students need to have achieved 90% or above in their attendance & 90% or above in their punctuality throughout their time at Stone Soup. This is as well as hitting targets related to their behaviour. Whilst we are proud that our overall attendance is above 80% this figure means that a number of students are still not quite meeting their attendance target and we really want to support students to achieve this. 


To celebrate positive attendance and punctuality during the final 7 weeks of the academic year we are running a reward trip to Drayton Manor Park on Friday 23rd of July. The last day of the summer term will be Tuesday 27th July.


This free trip will be for all students who achieve 90% or above attendance and punctuality from the start of term (Monday 7th June) to the final Friday of term (Friday 23rd June). There are 30 school days in this time meaning that students will need to attend and be on time to secure their ticket. Our doors open at 9am when we start welcoming our students into the building and our day starts with form time at 9:15am so any student who arrives after this time will be marked as late. 


As well as securing their ticket for this trip, achieving these targets will also help students raise their overall attendance and punctuality, improving their chances of achieving their DOJO Money when they leave us. 


I would like to end by saying thank you for all the support that you have given to us this term, you are an important part of our Stone Soup family.


I hope that you all have an enjoyable half term and we will be in touch next term.


Thank you

Warmest regards


Kerrie Henton FCCT


Stone Soup Academy

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