Dear Parents/Carer,


All across the country schools have worked hard to implement Relationship and Sexual Education (RSE) to better prepare young people for the challenges they face in an ever growing world. At Stone Soup Academy, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and RSE are deeply embedded into the framework of everything we do in an effort to produce healthy and happy adults, as exemplified in our ethos of “Creating Unimagined Futures.” 


PSHE and RSE are subjects by which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to manage their lives independently, focusing on key themes of Relationships, Health and Wellness and Living In The Wider World.


Below is an overview of the themes we will be covering over the 2021/2022 academic year. 


Half Term 1 Half Term 2 Half Term 3
Dealing with Change

Sexual Harassment

Forming Positive Relationships

Exam Stress

Life after death


Breast Cancer/Testicular Cancer

Sex education – C cards 

Body Image/Self Esteem


Festivals of religions

Bullying & Cyberbullying

Physical & Mental Wellbeing

Gang Crime


Places of worship

Half Term 4 Half Term 5 Half Term 6
Mental Health/Self Harm

Online Stress/FOMO

Knife Crimes

Unhelpful Thoughts

Charity across religions


Internet Citizenship

First Aid


Religion, peace and conflict




Building Connections

Social Media


The RSE curriculum will not just focus on relationships, but also:


Sex Education


Reproductive Organs

Sexually Transmitted Infections



Parsing online content and media

Being safe – physically and online

Intimate and sexual relationships – including sexual health


RSE will be a statutory requirement for Key Stage 3 and 4, however, as a parent or carer, you have the right to withdraw your child from Sex Education until 3 terms before they turn 16. Please contact the academy if you would like to withdraw your child from the teaching of sex education.


It is important to stress the benefits of Sex Education for young people as they transition into adulthood. By equipping our students with a good understanding of reproductive health, our pupils will be more confident to confront potentially stressful and life altering decisions than without. RSE is not a lesson that can be passed with an exam, the true test will be in real life situations that young people encounter and how they navigate through them.


It is also important that we consider where students may learn some of this information if not in a classroom. It is likely that students will gain knowledge second-hand from peers who may have only a partial understanding of the materials. Teachers are better prepared to deliver the materials to our pupils, with a wide range of resources available from organisations and charities dedicated to the health of young people. Similarly, there can be unforeseen social and emotional effects on a child who is not involved in group learning. Our goal is to provide top quality Sex Education to ensure that our pupils flourish and make safe and healthy choices as they gain further independance.


Naturally, you may have questions and concerns, so please do not hesitate to speak with your child’s personal coach or get in touch with the PSHE/RSE Lead, Osiris Santana-Morin on:


Phone: 07519 127 321



If you have any feedback about what is being delivered in the academy then please do not hesitate to contact me.


Thank you for your continued support


Kind regards


Kerrie Henton


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