Vaping Letter February 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

At Stone Soup Academy we have recently seen a increase in the number of young people who are vaping and bringing vapes on to the school site and consequently being suspended due to their actions; 

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the issue, provide you with access to helpful resources, as well as to alert you to the potential consequences should your child/children be found to be in possession or use of electronic cigarettes/vapes on the academy premises. As you are aware we take this issue very seriously due to the negative health effects vaping has on young children and impact on missing their education due to suspensions. 

Shops and other retailers cannot sell vaping items to people under the age of 18. This includes the sale of vaping equipment, including liquids and devices. It is, therefore, clear that young people under the age of 18 should not be purchasing or be in possession of alternative nicotine products such as vapes. Whilst the sale of items as detailed above is illegal, pupils have reported to us that they are able to acquire devices online or from older siblings, friends and unfortunately in some instances even parents/carers.

We do, however, recognise that a small number of pupils may have developed an addiction to nicotine and may see the use of a vape as being a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. They may also have succumbed to peer pressure or simply be curious and want to try vaping.

I am sure that you will agree that the possession and use of vapes on the academy premises is something that we simply cannot tolerate, consequently, we will view this in the same way as incidents of smoking or possession of smoking paraphernalia. In accordance with our behaviour policy, anyone who is found to be in the possession of paraphernalia linked to smoking or vaping will have the said items confiscated and will face additional sanctions deemed appropriate by the Principle which could lead to a suspension.

Naturally, we will also continue our work in the academy to educate pupils regarding the dangers of vaping and the legality surrounding this.e by the Principle. 

I hope that you welcome this letter in the spirit with which it is intended and that you share and understand our concerns about this potential harmful issue. Please can you share this information with your child so they fully understand the consequences of their actions. We will continue to work in partnership with parents/carers to help support our pupils in making positive decisions for themselves and their future. Should you have any further concerns, please do contact the academy.


Yours Faithfully 


David Steed

Vice Principal

Stone Soup Academy

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