Advice to All Parents / Carers 

Dear Parents / Carers,

From Thursday 24 February the government is removing remaining domestic restrictions in England. 


Although there is no longer the legal requirement to self-isolate, a child with any of the main COVID-19 symptoms should order a PCR test and will not be allowed to attend school while awaiting the result or if the subsequent result is positive. Children with symptoms who do not obtain a PCR test must remain away from school. Parents/carers will be asked to collect their child if they develop symptoms whilst at school


In these cases, children must stay away from school for 5 full days and may return after if they obtain 2 negative lateral flow test results on consecutive days, or after a total of 10 full days after the symptoms started if they feel well.


The three main symptoms remain:


  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot, for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – this means they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal


Children should continue to attend school if they have not tested positive for COVID-19 and are well enough to do so. Children who are at home should access remote learning.


Furthermore, it is no longer advised that pupil close contacts need to test daily for 7 days. However students at Stone Soup Academy will still be expected to continue taking part in regular asymptomatic testing.


We have tests available free of charge should you require them.


Please be reassured that for most children, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness. However, we will continue to observe good hand hygiene, cleaning regimes, ventilation requirements and other measures to manage the risk of transmission.


Yours sincerely

Kerrie Henton

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