2nd December 2024

Year 9: Half Term 2 Mock exams 


Dear Parents/Carers,


Functional Skills mock exams will be taking place for all Year 9 students on the following dates:


Date Exam Venue Start time Finish Time

10th December

Mock Functional Skills Mathematics Entry Level 3 Paper 1 Non-Calculator and Paper 2 Calculator Milbie House 12:30 13:30
Wednesday 11th December Mock Functional Skills English Entry Level 3 Reading and Writing 


Mock Functional Skills English Entry Level 2 Reading and Writing

Milbie House 12:30 13:30


Mock exams are carried out under the same conditions as the actual summer exams. They give students an opportunity to practice working under exam conditions, and are helpful in highlighting strengths and areas that require developing.

All year 9 students are to arrive at Milbie House by 12:25 ready for their exam start time of 



Students will be searched as usual and are required to hand in their coats and phones upon arrival to prevent any unauthorised materials being brought into the exam rooms, any students who refuse will not be allowed to sit their mock exams


Students will go home after their exam. 


Please contact your child’s personal coach if you have any concerns or questions.


Yours faithfully, 

Kerrie Henton 

Executive Principal 

Younes Henini


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