RSHE Letter 23/24

Dear Parent / Carer,


At Stone Soup Academy we are committed to providing all pupils with planned Personal, Social, Health, and Education (PSHE), Relationship, Sex, Health and Education (RSHE) and Religion Eduction (RE) programmes to enable them to acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies they need to develop,empathy, the ability to work with others, to form and maintain good relationships, understand and apply British values and develop the essential skills for employability to become a global citizen and better enjoy and manage their lives. 


A full outline of our PSHE, RSHE and the RE curriculum is attached to this letter.


The Government have made Relationships Education and Health Education statutory for all schools. Stone Soup Academy has integrated the statutory requirements into our planned curriculum and other supporting curriculum areas.


The Government have produced some information for parents to explain what the new curriculum consists of and is trying to achieve. To view these resources, please visit


As part of the academies PSHE and RSHE programme, children learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, healthy relationships and keeping themselves safe both on and offline.


Staff approach this aspect of the curriculum very sensitively and are aware of how it contributes to pupil’s development; supporting them to develop healthy relationships, keep themselves safe. We have the factually correct information and the skills to positively manage the physical and emotional changes that will happen as our young people grow into happy, confident and responsible teenagers.


Parents and carers also play a vital role in talking to their child(ren) about this important part of growing up and keeping themselves safe. To help you understand the type of questions children of different ages may ask and how to best respond to them further information can be obtained from the Family Planning Association website – parent/carers section at


Although parents/carers have the right to request to withdraw their child from any or all sex education as part of relationship education, it is our aim to encourage parents to see the value of RSHE learning and its contribution to keeping children safe, developing their emotional, social and physical wellbeing and for promoting equality and social justice.


Should a parent decide that they do not wish their child to take part in any of the lessons, we would ask that they speak in the first instance to the Vice Principal (Younes Henini) to discuss their concerns. The Vice Principal will discuss the request with the parent/carer to fully understand and address any concerns/objections to the content of the curriculum.  If parents/carers do decide to withdraw their child, they should inform the Principal in writing and the academy will keep a record of this.


If you would like to see the school’s Relationships and Sex Education Policy, please visit the school website.

If you have any further questions about this aspect of the curriculum or wish to see any of the teaching resources, please contact Younes Henini, Vice Principal.


Kind regards

Younes Henini

Vice Principal


PSHE curriculum (Vote for Schools)


These topics explore issues ranging from vaccinations and health misinformation, to mental and emotional wellbeing, to the risks associated with vaping.


These topics highlight protected characteristics and the issues by which these are threatened, such as homophobia, sexism, racism, and hate crime, as well as considering global issues such as human rights, immigration and citizenship.


These topics investigate the contributing factors to the climate emergency, such as extreme weather events, emissions and plastic pollution, alongside the potential solutions, such as green energy, transport, and recycling.


These topics encourage discussion about current world events, from conflict to globalisation to interdependence, in addition to UK-based political situations, such as Brexit, general elections, and the Homes for Ukraine scheme.


These topics take a closer look at scientific discoveries, technological advances, and our personal relationship with devices (such as mobile phones) and online platforms (such as social media).


These topics consider the values and principles underpinning our society, including citizenship (e.g. multiculturalism), charity & altruism (e.g. homelessness), and community action (e.g. youth groups).


These topics introduce significant societal issues such as gang culture, knife crime, and modern slavery, as well as providing a broader understanding of the role of the authorities & the law and the part these have to play in tackling political divisions, extremism, and conspiracy theories.


These topics span questions around careers and employment, financial education, the economy and continuing education, while simultaneously encouraging further consideration of personal aspirations and life chances.


These topics celebrate a range of cultures and heritages (including language, food & drink, sport and British “institutions”), but also provide a space in which to consider the role of the media and entertainment industries in how these are represented. 

RSHE curriculum


RSHE 2023-2024
Positive Friendships  Same Sex and LGBT and Relationships
Love, Positive  and Safe Relationships  Types of Committed Relationships
Bullying Online and Offline  Sexism and Gender Prejudice
Tolerance and Anti-Racism lessons Harassment and Stalking
Cyberbullying and Trolling Parenting and Families
Personal Identity and Diversity lessons Radicalisation Online
Safe Sex Unit – Consent Gender and Transgender Identity
Keeping Good Friendships Conflict Management
Contraception Fertility, STIs, Menopause, Reproductive Health
Extremism and RadicalisationExtremism and Radicalisation Forced and Arranged Marriages
STIs and Sexual Health Unsafe Sex
Pornography Revenge Porn
Sexting and Body Image Relationship Break-Ups
Social Media – Safe and Private Internet Safety – Online Dangers and Predators
Puberty Pregnancy and Childcare
Abusive Relationships Consent and Sexual Abuse
Prejudice and Stereotypes: Disability Relationships with Role Models
Keeping Good Friendships Happiness & Positivity
Who are the LGBTQ? Risk Taking & Decision Making
Child Sexual Exploitation Good Sex/Waiting for Sex
Peer Pressure Unit: Bullying Bullying and Body-Shaming
Female Genital Mutilation Grief & Bereavement
Body Image and the Media –  including Eating Disorders  Intervention
Internet Safety – Online Dangers and Predators
Image Sharing
Relationships with Role Models
Falling In Love
Body Image – Male Focus
Body Image Female Focus


RE curriculum 


RE 2023-2024 (KS3 and KS4)
Half Term 1 Life after death
Half Term 2 Festivals
Half Term 3 Places of worship
Half Term 4 Charity across religions
Half Term 5 Religion, peace and conflict
Half Term 6 Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice

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