Dear Parents/Carers


Well, it is the end of another interesting year at Stone Soup Academy, sadly punctuated by Covid. We were very sad that we could not run our planned wellbeing day for parents/carers, but we have put it in the diary for next year. We have had some great times with our young people this year, despite the challenges. The recent Media and Music days and Art and Photography days were a real hit with the students and great fun for all concerned. We have also offered boxing, DJ academy and our young people have been involved in developments with the use of virtual reality and work related learning opportunities.


The results that we have submitted for our year 11 students this year look to be some of our best ever results. Although due to the Covid situation these results are based on teacher predictions, we have also had some of the strongest and best results at Level 1 and Level 2 for Functional skills in Maths and English. These exams are externally assessed through a sit down exam, so we are incredibly proud of our students.


We will continue with our preparation for GCSE examinations as they are expected to return to normal next year. As such, we will run mock exams 6 times a year to fully prepare each student. You will also receive data tracking reports that will show you how far your child is progressing with their studies.


Our last full week of term is hopefully going to be epic with lots going on. We have planned for sports day, enterprise day and a reward trip to Drayton Manor. We hope that the students enjoy these activities, as they are great for developing relationships with staff and the Academy.


Some advance notice, we will finish this year with a half day on Monday 26th of July. Students will be dismissed at 12.30 to leave for the summer holidays. A ‘grab and go’ lunch will be available should they wish to have it.


The following arrangements have been made for the students to return in September:-


Thursday 2nd September

Year 11 return to the Academy at 9 a.m.

Year 9 return to Richmond House at 9.15 a.m.


Stepping Stones and Inclusion return to Richmond House at 9.30 a.m. 


Friday 3rd September

Year 10 return to High Pavement at 9 a.m.


It is really important that we continue to work together to support and improve both attendance and punctuality at the academy. We appreciate your support in ensuring that your child is both present and on time each day.


We have a number of changes that I would like to make you aware of moving forward to the new year. 


From September, lessons will end at High Pavement for year 10 and 11 each Friday at 12.45. Students will be able to take a ‘grab & go’ lunch, then leave the academy.


Students in Year 9 at Richmond House will finish at 12.30. Students will be able to take a ‘grab & go’ lunch, then leave the academy.


We will continue to offer extra curriculum requirements activities in the afternoon on a Friday, and you will be advised of these throughout the term. We will of course contact you if your child would like to participate in these optional afternoons of enrichment.


We have also amended our behaviour policy, a copy of which will be on the school website. Within this document, it highlights our focus upon making our academy safe for all young people. 


Next year we will be focusing upon the recent National Review of widespread sexual abuse in schools. We will be making it very clear to our young people that there is no place for inappropriate sexual language or behaviour in school. We have a zero tolerance towards such behaviours. To embed these expectations we will be working with our young people through our PSHE/RSHE programmes (Personal, social and heath education/ Relationship sex education) to educate them about healthy relationships, risky behaviour, suitable and inappropriate physical contact and how to deal with peer pressure. This training will take place on a daily basis through their personal coach, PSHE/RSHE sessions on a Friday and by bringing in external providers to speak with and work with our young people.


From September, we have changed our curriculum to allow us to deliver a separate PSHE/RSHE lesson on a Friday, hence the changes to the end of the day on a Friday.


During the summer holidays, I have asked that our Engagement team check in with you to check that all is okay. If you have any queries or concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact me.


I hope that you have an enjoyable summer and we will look forward to seeing all our young people again in September. As always, thank you for your continued support.


Kind regards

Kerrie Henton


Stone Soup Academy

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