Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome back to term 6. I hope that you received my previous letter detailing all the events for this term of which there are many. If you have misplaced it you will find a copy on the news section of the website.

I wanted to catch up with you to highlight the changes for your child moving forward this term.

As you will be aware Year 9 students have now transitioned across to High Pavement and for the last two weeks since we started back they have been operating the year 9 timetable at High Pavement. From Monday 20th June this will change and they will start their year 10 timetable and as such they will need to be in school at 9 a.m. with the deadline being 9.15 a.m. If they arrive after 9.15 a.m. they will lose some of their dojo money and this will impact their punctuality.

Please highlight this to them and ensure that they arrive at 9 a.m.

As you know, we do not have a uniform but we do have expectations of what is appropriate to be worn in the academy, especially as the days are getting warmer. Please would you support us in ensuring that your child comes to school in appropriate clothes for a school environment. This means that they do not wear crop tops or low cut tops, shorts that are very short or leggings that are too tight and any garment that shows underwear. If a child does turn up wearing inappropriate clothes then they will not be allowed to enter the academy. They can go home and get changed and return. We are trying to prepare our young people for the world of work and acceptable work wear is part of this process. For safeguarding purposes we also do not allow hats/hoods to be worn in the academy as it means that we cannot readily identify students.

Next Friday the 24th of June is Suits day for our year 11 students and as such the academy will close a little earlier at 12 noon.

As always please contact me if you have any questions or if you need any support.

Thank you

Kind regards

Kerrie Henton


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